Sunday, March 29, 2020

Happy Monday!
Welcome to week 3 of social distancing.  I hope you are all staying safe and healthy at home.  This week I will continue to add to the activites on the at home work page.  The new activites will be in a different colour to avoid confusion.  Continue to work at your own pace. 
Some of you have handed in your biographies as well as other work that's been posted.  Great job keep up the great work!  For those of you who have not,  please make the following tasks are your priority.

- biography on a canadian astronaut (you can find the template in your science folder as well as on the blog)
- science review
- book report

Please make sure you share your work with me so I receive a notification when you've completed something.   Although I will be providing feedback on what you hand in, I will not be providing a specific grade at this time. 

Grade 6
I'm asking you all to complete the following google form by Wednesday, this will help me get a better idea of how everyone is doing.

Sunday, March 22, 2020

A quick follow up to my original post surrounding work that is now on the blog.  I understand these are exceptional circumstances which come with challenges for everyone.   The work posted is not mandatory, there are a variety of activities that target the four different strands in the FSL curriculum as well as science, complete what is good for you.  This will look different for everyone and again should not be a cause of stress for anyone during this time. 
For those who want to and are wondering what they should tackle first, these are the activities I would prioritize. 
- Biography
- Book report
- Science Review

Welcome back...I know some of you have been anxious about finding information on the biography so I've decided to post early.  On the right hand side of the blog there are 2 new pages, one for Grade 6 and one for grades 4/5.  Here you can find activities in oral, reading, writing and listening. 
Please reach out if you have questions or are bored out of your minds,  I'd love to hear from all of you.
I do miss you all and am quite sad I don't get to see your smiling faces tomorrow or hear about how you've spent the last week.  I know this can be a tough time for some so please reach out if you need or want to.   I will be checking my emails 3 times a day to ensure I can answer any questions you might have. 
Remember to be safe and do your best to stay healthy, practice social distancing, wash your hands and eat you veggies :)

Saturday, March 14, 2020

Happy March Break!!
I wish you all a wonderful and restful break.  Please stay safe and healthy.  I have spoken with the Grade 6 class about finishing their book reports and completing a biography on a Canadian astronaut.  I will post an outline of the expectations along with other activities on Sunday March 22nd.  This week enjoy time with your friends and family. 

Monday, March 9, 2020

It's the week before March break and the weather looks beautiful...let's buckle down and finish strong.  This week the 6s learned about the different lunar phases and will be observing and recording what the moon looks like each night.  We will continue working on the Three Little Pigs book report in the hopes of finishing prior to March break. 
Grade 4/5 - remember we are skating on Tuesday March 10th and you will have a small quiz on family vocabulary Wednesday the 11th. .  We will hopefully be starting our Book Creator project at the end of the week.