Tuesday, June 23, 2020

We made it....the last week of school during the most unpredictable year EVER!   It's been wonderful getting to know each and every one of you throughout the year.  To my 6s, although I'll miss you, I'm so excited for you all to start your new adventure.  To my 4/5s, congratulations as your role as St. Martin leaders grows, I can't wait to see how much you've grown in September.  Wishing you all an amazing and relaxing summer.
Grade 6, we will have our final Google Meet on Tuesday at the regular time!

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Week of June 15th.

We are sooooooo close!!   This week we are playing KATCHUP.  Please work on, and hand in anything left from your science or social studies unit and French activities / workspace.
For those of you in Grade 6 who have completed everything a new text (Le mauvais coup de Sebastien) has been added to the Workspace...there are several steps in this activity, please ensure to read them all. 
We will have our Google Meets at the regular times (Grade 6 Tuesday @ 2pm, Grade 4/5 Thursday @ 11am). 

Monday, June 8, 2020

June 8
Happy Monday
This week, I ask that you complete any of the work that you have not yet.
Grade 6
Please attempt to finish the lessons and final project for the Air and Flight unit. 
Grade 4/5
Please finish all lessons and final projects from you social studies units.  Remember we will be having a show and tell and scavenger hunt during this weeks Google Meet. 
Weekly Goolge meets will be held at the regular times...
- Grade 6 Tuesday at 2pm
- Grade 4/5 Thursday at 11 am

Monday, June 1, 2020

June 1st
We made it to June friends!!  We are in the home stretch now...let's finish strong.  We will have our regular scheduled google meets, as always can't wait to see you guys. 
Grade 4s, I've posted the instructions for the final project, Grade 5s continue on you social studies lessons.  Almost done :) 
Grade 6s
The final project for air and flight unit is up on the workspace.  Take a look, Mme Gorman has also put up an explanation video you can use as a reference as well.  We will go over it on Tuesday but you can email any questions you have at any time.